What's Happening In July

Here's what you need to know about July!

4th of July Schedule

We will not have any classes on July 3rd & 4th (Monday & Tuesday). Classes will resume to the normal schedule on Wednesday. We will have To-Go workouts for anyone who wants to keep moving on those days though!

End of Deadlift and Push Press Cycle

Our Deadlift and Push Press Cycle comes to an end this week and we will work up to a heavy 3 rep next week to test our progress. The lifts have been super fun and I know we have already seen a lot of improvement!

CrossFit Combine

Our second CrossFit Combine will be July 8th! Just like before, we will have a group go at 8:30am and another go at 9am. Coaches will lead the groups through a warm up before making their way onto the floor to test various different things. It was a lot of fun last time and gives us some good numbers to keep track of! Here's what we will test:

  • Power Clean Max

  • Max Rep Bench Press (205/135)(155/105)(95/65)

  • Max Strict Pull Ups (or ring rows)

  • Max Time Bar Hang

  • Broad Jump

  • Vertical Jump

  • For Time: 250m Row, 250m Ski, 500m Bike, 200m Run

*Ignite members who do not want to do cleans or bench press should still participate! We will skip cleans and do max push ups instead of bench press.

Programming Updates

We will begin a new strength cycle focussed on Toes to Bar (Kip swings and ab work) and Handstands (Shoulder Strength and Balance). Be expecting those to pop up in July and we will hit them consistently for 6 weeks.

Coach Kelsea's Last Month of Coaching

July will be Coach Kelsea's last month in their role she has as our primary afternoon CrossFit Coach. She has taken a job as a Strength and Conditioning Coach and teacher at Weaver. We are incredibly proud of her and extremely grateful for the time and effort she has put in at the gym with us.

You will still see her around the gym, but make sure to jump into her afternoon classes.

Coach Madalyn Spivey

Our intern, Madalyn Spivey, is going to be easing her way into the role of a Coach for our afternoon Ignite Classes. Madalyn has a degree in Exercise Science from JSU and has been interning with us this summer. She loves fitness and loves you guys, and that's the most we can ask from a coach. You will start to see her in her role as a coach over the summer. We are excited about that and you should be too!

Athlete of the Month - Ashley Soriano

Ashley is a regular Ignite member who always shows up ready to work! She's seen an incredible transformation since joining the gym in 2021. Next time you see Ashley, give her a solid high five. She deserves it!

Childcare Kids

Just a friendly reminder for parents of kids who come to childcare. As much as possible, we want to ask you not to let your kids have food in the childcare area.

Also, kids have some rough days, and if your child is not cooperating or extremely loud and fussy, or unwilling to stay I childcare, if you will have them sit with you during the workout, or preferably, in a stroller so that the rest of the class is not disrupted.

We want your kids here so you can workout! But we also want them to be as safe as possible while they are here.

Fitness Wisdom

Before you put extra effort into doing more working out outside of the class workouts, put extra effort into how you eat and how you sleep. Make sure nutrition and recovery efforts align with your goals!

See you in the gym!

Thelo Coaches

John Mayfield